Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday Morning

Well the weekend was pretty good, I tried to get more packing done, we will hopefully be moving this weekend or next. I would prefer to move this weekend, but it all depends on escrow. We went to a party for my daycare lady Kim. It was pretty cool. It was a passions party. Boy that's all new to me, I couldn't believe some of the people there were old enough to be my parents, It was a little wierd.

My older daughter went to my mom house so it was becky and I. Were working on the tantrums, hopfeully she will grow out of them soon. We cleaned out the cupboards and boxed more stuff up. We folded lots of laundry and went through some clothes. We are hoping to get a big pile for Good Will, that way we don;t have to move anything twice. I bought some Green Pans off of HSN. They are great. I am going to get rid of all my old pots and pans, dishes, and maybe even flatware if I can find something I like better.

Other than that we relaxed and on Sunday and my bf went over to his brothers house to help paint and move somethings to storage. But it was a ok weekend.

g2g get back to work.

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